I got a little ahead of myself hanging the nose as I noticed while mocking up the fenders the arc of the hood at the very end did not match up neatly with the fender profile. The fenders relative to the doors needed to dive off a little more in the front. Roughly about 3/8" for everything to jive. So I decided to figure out how I was going to attach the fenders so that all the relationships were true. First thing I did was shape a piece of 3/4" .049 wall square tube to the profile of the fender. This would end up tucking underneath the inner rim along the hood seam. With the skin back off of the hood frame I could see that the hood frame was a little too flat especially at the end where the fenders rolled off pretty good. I re shaped the hood frame to match the 3/4 " stock I had just shaped to match the fender edge. Earlier in the build I had installed two pretty substantial pieces of 1 1/2" .090 wall square stock to act as hood prop (gas pistons) supports. I drilled and tapped these and attached some slotted brackets made out of .060 mild steel. Next laying the 3/4" profile spaced 1/4" off the side of the hood frame I tacked it to the bracket. Following down to the middle of the hood line I installed and adjustable bumper for the hood frame and an angle bracket with a shim under it in case I needed to adjust height here. Down in front where the fender drops off I installed another slotted bracket and tacked the 3/4" stock to it.

Finally I hung the fender on the 3/4" stock. After doing both fenders and making sure everything matched pretty well I re attached to hood mechanism.
Also I decided since the fender was in place to see what I was going to have to do to blend out the hood to the fender at the sides of the cowl. I was a little worried about this because I did the upsweep extension on the back of the hood and kind of just eyeballed it as far as how it would blend out. I am pretty happy about the way it looks.
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