Thursday, April 16, 2015

I started working the front fender lip out with a pair of vise grips with 3" wide jaws. After a while, as you say, it created a lot of tension in the panel above the wheel opening and was flattening this area. The metal in these fenders is a lot harder to form than the stuff I am used to working with. I took my small metal stretcher off of the stand it shares with the metal shrinker and made a lower handle for it . This way I was able to use it on the lip of the fender while it was still on the car. Much easier to see what you are doing this way. I stretched the metal until it relaxed enough to let the shape return above the wheel opening and allow me to roll the lip up a little more. I will soften the flair when I bondo the fender making the transition a little more gentle.

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